
By TeeJay


I bought myself a new camera. I let myself spend the money on the condition that I start blipping properly again - I bought it last Monday and have taken photos each day but haven't found time to post them! Then ironically today this one is taken with my phone.

We've had an interesting day. Headed north from Christchurch heading for Picton but found that the coast road was closed so had to go through Culverden to Waiau and from there to Kaikoura. Frustratingly the diversion signs in Waiau were wrong and the route we took brought us out to the main road on the south side of the slip!

We then had to drive the half hour back to Waiau then take the correct (unsignposted) route to Kaikoura. Just as well I'm pretty anal about leaving plenty of spare travel time, or we'd have missed the ferry!

So here we are now, sitting in the campervan, waiting to drive onto the ferry. My first North Island trip in the van - Sebastian and his Mum and Dad are along for the ride. Fun days (and regular blipping) ahead.

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