Tussock Tales

By TussockTales



As summer proceeds this sight becomes more pronounced in our district and for that matter throughout New Zealand. This is a very simple rotary irrigator and I suspect the tractor in the downpour is probably driving the local pump to get the pressure up. This one happened to be conveniently placed and the wind was blowing a bit at the time too which adds to the splendour of the whole thing. The Wind has now dropped and it is a great day out there. Thanks to E & T The Boss has a new Met service App which is quite something and predicts good weather for Christmas day where they are going. Sounds very cool Er... Warm. OK?

I notice you are all enthusiastic about the calendar and big thanks for your interest. I did intend to pop the images involved on the portfolio page but we are departing and having house guests at the same time and the "To Do" list is a bit daunting so please forgive if the calendar does not get posted this time. If you are really keen pop to 'About Tussocktales' and select 'most popular' on the thumbs block and look at the first 12 or so images and that's the calendar.

Again I must comment very favourable about the quality. Top notch!

Tomorrow I will be handing the editorial efforts over to TT (Tiny Tussock) but I do have something planned before that so as the Actress said to The Bishop..."Stay Tuned" I am not really why she would have said that, Maybe The Bishop had a portable battery powered....radio? These days he would have had a pPod so she may have said something different. Oh sorry off subject again.
Raindrops are falling on my head

listen to the song here


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