Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Merry Christmas

Nothing to say about this at all. The Boss must have sneaked in when I wasn't looking.

Because I will be away in THC (Tussocks Holiday Camp) on Christmas Eve my greeting has to happen today. You can see my regular card with the mysterious Mr L here.

Everyone please have a happy and safe Christmas. Let's cancel all pending disasters.
Be nice to each other (Blippers just are anyway) and pat every dog you see...ER...well most of them. OK?
BIG Tussock hug for you all. (((((....))))) Ahhhh!

Silktrader Tussock of the Lake.

P.S. Special Note to Mr Claus. If you are going to leave something for me at my home please clearly label it "For K9 Consumption only" 'Cos I don't want the visitors to accidently......Well you know?
Pop your reading glasses on

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