Charity shop treasure
Today was a lazy lunch day. I spent half an hour in the Sue Ryder vintage shop. There I spotted a basket full of old guide badges; cloth and metal, some sewn on to an old scarf and lots loose. There were some nice enamel ones, including one celebrating the Girl Guides diamond jubilee in 1970. I decided I’d regret it if I didn’t buy them. So I did. They all belonged to Sheena Davies who was a brownie and guide in the early 1960s. I suspect she also went on to be a leader. It is a shame the collection hasn’t been kept in her family, but I’m interested in seeing if I can find out about her original Guide company. I think perhaps they might like them - especially the bundle of paper records showing the badges she achieved, signed by the examiner and dated mostly 1963. They are rolled up and tucked into an envelope. Sheena was a Guide in New Maldon, Surrey. I think my good turn will be to pass them on to someone who will treasure them! A job for next week!
Home at 5 after a hard work day. I need a long weekend. Tomorrow Jon and I are going to Hoddesdon, leaving the children home alone. All 3 are going to do the shopping tomorrow- I’ve left them cash!!
Pleased to have Jon home after his week in Essex. After 4 days in Basildon, he said it makes you appreciate where we live so much more!
Had a nice long chat with one of my loveliest friends this evening. We didn’t get round to cutting the material- but there is always next week.
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