More sewing?

Up early again. The alarm is still going off at 5.30 because Jon had to get up on Monday so early. It meant I got out early, so was at work at 7.45. I was good, and like yesterday I got off the bus a stop early, and walked. It wasn’t a long way, but adds a little bit of exercise to my day.

Busy work, but headachy so had an hour at lunchtime wandering around the shops. Bought a bottle brush (woohoo) and a few even less exciting things! I like wilko for browsing!

The afternoon was spent on a complicated manual calculation of someone’s pension, because our computer system can’t do it right. I knew it was going to take me a long while so allowed myself a whole afternoon. Before I knew it, it was 4.30. I got to the 4.49 bus. It’s just Mollie, Henry and I at home tonight and Mollie cooked tea for them. I grilled a basa fillet and had home grown purple sprouting broccoli with it.

Since then, we’ve been in the conservatory looking at patterns. Mollie bought this lilac fabric last year, but has never made anything so it was going to be something to start learning with. It didn’t happen, and time flew, but now I’ve got the sewing bug, I suggested we looked through some patterns to see if there was something she’d like to try. We plumped for a little cropped blouse. It is a new experience for me too, as I’ve never made a blouse - but how hard can it be?!! We’ve (I) cut out the pattern and pinned them onto the material. Tomorrow we might cut the material- I’ll try to get Mollie to do a bit of that!

An hour of tv, before bed!

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