
By Fincollie

Proud mum

This beautiful Blueface Leicester was looking very happy with herself, she had just giving birth to triplets earlier. The third one was sleeping out of shot.
I love this time of year and helping out in the lambing shed, although last week I was left on my own for a few hours one afternoon and near chaos reigned! All was quiet when the farmer's wife left to do some errands, she assured me that it had been quiet most of the morning and there was no signs of any ewes starting. Well, I had 5 ewes lamb in 20 mins producing 7 lambs between them. I was kept busy getting pens organised for them and attempting to keep a couple of "stealers" away from the newborns. 
During the morning the weather was awful but when the sun came out in the afternoon it was "lets get these lambs out" time!

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