
By TBay


We were up and ready for the off by 9:30 so that Tbay would be one of the first into the Model Tractor Fair. Always a good thing as some models as very limited in numbers and it is of course first come first serve!

I act as a bag lady with my little old lady wheeled trolley! Or as a lady from one stall said ‘ah yes at home we would call you a pack donkey’, and I should add she was from Germany! So Mr Tbay purchases , I pack the purchases in my trolley and it works very well as some are in such big boxes it’s really hard to cope with them just in carrier bags.

After a couple of hours Mr Tbay had done everything he wanted to , so off we headed to our next port of call, Norwich.

Many of Mr Tbays relatives came from Norfolk and especially the Norwich area. Once in Norwich we booked into our Premier Inn (love them!) and headed off to visit a cousin of Mr Tbays fathers. This amazing lady now 95 is the last of her generation , but she is still as sharp as a tack!

We enjoyed a couple of hours with the amazing Pat who still lives on her own discussing the family and looking at old photos. I could have listened to her stories for ever as she is so interesting.

Then it was off to the hotel again and a quick change of dress as we met up with old friends at a local hotel for a super evening meal. I must confess we were both pretty tired by the time we had finished but had very much enjoyed the whole fun packed day!

Extra shows Cousin Pat and her brother Geoffrey as children. She was such a very pretty child. She never married and neither did her brother. She really had no desire to and enjoyed her independent lifestyle and her career! what a lady!

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