Meet Seòras...

MrR, the Rooster, the Fangler and I headed south to Blackburn, Lancashire today to collect wee Seòras:-)

He was a great wee lad on the three and a half hour journey back up to Scotland. He slept most of it sitting on his big brother’s laps. Twelve and a bit years ago when we made the same journey for Canna the Weimaraner it was my lap that that pup nestled on the Rooster being just 18 months and the Fangler a twinkle in his Daddy’s eye ;-)

Arrived home and he was introduced to his cat big brother Oscar...Oscar is channeling a good mix of Garfield and Sister Michael. He’s not quite sure what to make of this small Weimaraner that does a wee bouncy walk! MrR thinks he’s wondering if we might shrink him too! Biggest issue on this front is Es having a panic every time they are in close proximity to each other! Anyway so far so good.

Grateful that there is again a Weimaraner resting their head in the StirlingReidos pad this evening.

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