Anya potatoes
Cold and misty, with showers today. I did the ironing and some shopping, and wimped out of working outside. W has been dodging the rain showers.
We like these potatoes, which are exclusively sold in Sainbury's. I'm not sure why they are exclusive, because you can buy the seed potatoes in a good garden centre, so anyone can grow them. But perhaps the seed potatoes are not available in commercial quantities. Anyway, we bought some potatoes before going off to South Africa, and hadn't eaten them all before we left. On our return the few remaining had sprouted. So W decided to see if we can grow our own. We've never grown potatoes before, so we'll see how we get on with these.
In addition, W has planted some broad beans which are way out of date. Packets of beans (and peas) always contain more than we can use in one year, and we hate throwing away the remaining ones. So he had some half used packets tucked away in the shed. We'll see if they sprout. If they do, so much the better, but we'll get some new ones next time we visit the garden centre.
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