The Face

Colette, one of my friends from the Brighton Skies group came with me to The Sculpture Park in Surrey today, so we had an early start as it's quite a drive from here.  She caught the bus into Rottingdean and I picked her up from there at 9am and we arrived at 10.30am.  As this week was English Tourism Week, the tickets were reduced by 50% and it only cost us £5 each which was excellent value.

The Sculpture Park is Britain's most eclectic and atmospheric sculpture exhibition where over 300 artists showcase hundreds of sculptures set in 10 acres of arboretum and water gardens. All the sculptures are for sale and there's a 2 mile woodland trail to follow to see them all.  Not only is it a really nice walk, but the sculptures are amazing and my favourite was this girl's face (called Paraiso or Paradise), which stands 4 metres high and is for sale for a mere £65,000!  My second favourite was a wood carving of two rutting stags at £75,000 - I've added this to my extras.

We had a really lovely day, it was very peaceful and relaxing as there weren't many people there, and there were so many wild birds, particularly robins, so the bird song was wonderful!  

We walked round the whole circuit not stopping once, even for lunch, and we left at 3pm although we could have stayed longer, but being Friday I wanted to get on the road before rush hour.  I dropped Colette off and was home myself for 5pm, so it's been a pretty full day,  but very enjoyable.

By the time I got back I was very hungry having had no lunch, so we had an early dinner of fillet steak with pepper sauce, sweet potato wedges and tender stem broccoli. 

Anyway, it's the weekend, hope you have a good one!

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