
By emmacooperx

Nothing Says England Like Scones

Today was passed in baking scones for the teachers of my schools as little thank you Christmas present. For the most part, the teachers have really helped me out so I thought they deserved a little English baking as a reward so I set to work on making 40 scones. Unfortunately I forgot to add sugar to one batch, adding it only at the last moment and resulting in something a lot more like rock cakes than scones but the taste was still good.

In the afternoon I went to college early to help Maryline talk to her 6ieme and 5ieme classes about Christmas. They were so tiny and cute but they weren't as funny as my 4ieme and 3ieme classes. It was nice to see some other pupils though. There was a tiny boy who only came up to my waist (that's saying something as I'm pretty short!) who was almost bilingual (having had English neighbours) and when I attempted to speak to him in French, he said he prefered that I spoke in English. I thought it was a slight on my French accent but apparently he just really loves speaking English.

Had my usual 3ieme class, who I allowed to play games. I actually really enjoyed it. Such a child a heart. Particularly enjoyed making my favourite pupil be Justin Beiber in the post-it note game!

In the evening I had a meal with some of the stagieres from the lycee. There were 9 of us in total - Laura and I, our neighbours in the building, Ludovic and Elsa, a physics teacher and Julie, the French teacher. It was really lovely, I kept up with conversation although it was definitely words that you don't learn at university (lots of sex based conversations!) but being the awkward English person, I didn't have much to contribute to conversation! The meal itself was Italian and not too bad. Was tired though. Christmas Meal 3 of 6 completed!

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