
By tookie

Yee haw and more faffing fun!!!!

It's actually turned into a half way decent day, but I got this done early and am sticking with it! I just got a call from my friend who had back surgery today that she came through it fine! Her daughter let me know. Whew...dodged another bullet so to say. She's the one I went to see last week.

I'm busy bustling around getting some last minute things ready for the holidays. The kids come here this year and Sat. we'll go hear the Seattle Men's
Chorus at a matinee concert--fun!!! here

Having our friend Barb join us on the 25th for the holiday meal which she has done for years and years! Have a good week all as I'm off with the hooligans in my sleigh to get more errands done....they don't pull to evenly!

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