Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Caption competition

Entries please for the caption competition.

These pigs stand outside the shop called The Fat Giraffe in Hexham, just beside the mini-roundabout by Tesco's.

Busy day. Visited P and G in Crook and we caught up on each other's news. G has sciatica, P is awaiting a new hip and I have a bad knee. 3 old crocks!

Then to see my namesake in Hexham for a good natter.

Finally a supermarket shop. I wanted Tamari sauce which defeated Waitrose although they offered me Tamarind paste instead...... Did most of my shopping in Aldi. (Tamari sauce was one of the clues on Only Connect tonight!)

Uni Challenge and Only Connect - both make Mondays delightful.

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