There and back again

By Mikes

Kings Tor - Dartmoor

This afternoons walk took us to the Merrivale where after braving hail storms and high wind, the weather changed for a short period and the moor was bathed in this golden light.

If you look about half way below the summit of the Tor and the wall you will see what appears to be line running around the Tor. This was the track of the GWR line from Plymouth to Princetown. Built originally as a horse drawn tram way to carry granite from the quarries to Plymouth.

In 1928 it became a steam railway and was later taken over by the GWR. There were many quarries in this area and several little stations, one of which was here at Kings Tor.

Like many other small branch lines, it fell foul of Dr Beeching and was finally closed in 1956. Whilst I was writing this I was called to see a program on out local TV station about a group of enthusiast who have just re-opened a couple of miles of track at the Plymouth end of the line. Just imagine what a tourist attraction it would be today if it ran all the way to Princetown.

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