Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2019 Tuesday — The Classroom

My students were doing an in-class portion of their Project 3 today, which is reading articles that I provide them, finding the main point in each, and them writing a summary of each. I think this is some of the hardest work they do. Most of them are not readers, so that makes reading the articles pretty tough for them.

Then locating a main point, rather than a sub-point, is almost impossible for them. It’s impossible, only because they won’t put forth the effort, because they are very distracted, and because they give up easily. Then they receive a bad score, and then they are discouraged.

“Exciting” doesn’t even begin to explain the feeling when I see students beginning to “get it.” They must learn to understand when an author has made a strong significant statement, rather than just a poignant or catchy statement. They had four articles they worked on out-of-class after several classroom workshops, and then one article they worked on today in-class.

The in-class portion is easier because some of the work is simply answering questions about the article’s message. The in-class work is worth more points than their out-of-class work; that is so they will earn a satisfactory score.

The other photo is of my office computer screen; which is showing a video of me lecturing. I am trying to get the lecture video uploaded to my online classroom, so I was watching part of it.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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