
By bananablip


Today I did something I’ve been hoping for and working at for a little while. I beat my parkrun PB. Joy Joy Joy. I knew I could do it based on my midweek run this week but you never quite know how it’s going to go on the day. 25.09 was my official time. 9 seconds more and one resolution can be ticked off. I generally don’t love 5ks because I find them too fast but parkruns are a great way to constantly be working at improving without the hassle and cost of races.

From there to spend some time with nan while the family did some much needed deep cleaning in her flat. Nan and I had coffee in the county’s finest bookshop and then sat on top of a hill and watched the world go by. I think I got the better end of the deal.

Quick walk and a pint to round up the day. Tired legs, happy heart.

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