Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

‘‘Twas a sunny day

So headed off up to London (again) although confess to doing an hour’s worth of work in my pyjamas before I went. How all that work got into my pyjamas I’ll never know.

It was just emails actually. And I wasn’t really in my PJs, I just fancied a Groucho moment.

Met the colleague who retired back in January on the train, had a catch up, not working suits her. She looks more vibrant.

Lingered on the bridge connecting Waterloo and Waterloo East and discovered a view of the rooftops around Roupel Street that I hadn’t noticed before. Looks a bit like Coronation Street, although the latest dramas in the Brexit balls-up saga suggests that what we need now is Cure A Nation street. The Evening Standard hawker looked distinctly bored with it all.

Went down to my point of origin in south London, the much maligned Plumstead. The people of this area were described by one blogger that I read recently as "under evolved" which I thought was harsh; it’s certainly a lot more lively and diverse these days. Met Ms B for lunch in a new community cafe created out of an old public toilet block. Lovely place, we had a great catch up. The vegan brunch was awesomely tasty. Ms B has been a family friend since before I was born and we share political persuasions as well as old stories. She worked as an MPs secretary for decades and still has her contacts so presented me with a bottle of House of Commons Whisky. Probably the best thing to come out of Westminster in recent months. She also gave me some local marmalade so I am looking for vegan marmalade and whisky cake recipes.

Took a quick look at my old house where I lived with Aged P in the 1970s. She would approve of the current exterior decor. Ms B dropped me at the O2 afterwards and I got the tube to Waterloo and came home. Gloriously sunny all day.

Had a nice snooze and a snog with Dylan. It was such a nice day that it deserved a collage (see extra).

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