Viking Gripfisk

11.6C bright with light cloud around. Light to moderate S/SSW/SW breeze.

Fergus and I went for our walk after lunch. We went round to the harbour, had a potter round the old quay, and went out along the shore side of the park. We had almost reached the cemetery when a huge line of cars following a hearse arrived at the cemetery gates. The line of cars was still coming out of town after the first cars had turned in to the cemetery gates. We headed back home back along the park and came home through town passing the town hall and the bookshop (open).

On the Clip while walking:
Podcast: Kermode and Mayo's film review (a different edition).

Afternoon music ... BBC Radio Scotland

DC-TZ90  f/4.9 1/500 sec. ISO-80 16mm (35mm focal length 90mm)

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