Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia

My beautiful boy as Joseph

In the school nativity play. Best. Nativity. Ever. Though no tea towel on Ben's head, surely some mistake? Ben was brilliant and remembered (almost) all of his lines. I had to work quite hard not to blub through the whole thing. I would love to show you a more nativity like picture, but the school asked us not to put any of other children on t'interweb, which is fair enough I suppose. At least they let us take photos at all.

Bit of a strange day other than the nativity play highlight: Lily our cat had to be put down rather suddenly, we have no idea what was wrong with her, but she was extremely sick this morning and when I got her to the vets they said there was nothing they could do. I didn't think of myself as particularly fond of our cats, but it turns out I was rather fond of Lily. So now we are left with psycho-cat Susie. Who is presumably going to be even more psycho without her sister. Ben and Amelia seem to have taken the news with equanimity (Amelia) and a few tears (Ben). Ben wants a kitten.....

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