Reikes small life...

By Reike

Help - I´m afraid...

Looking very much forward to start a new job, but at the same time afraid if it turns out as I hope it will...
Today in two weeks will be my last day in my current position. At least there will be the Cheese and Wine Journal Club (like today) which is always sort of fun.
And again there are other things I´m afraid of. Why am I so much caught in what happened in my past life instead of just looking to the future?

What helped getting out of depressed thoughts today: Taking a scientific review my boy-friend is writing and replaced all the "p"s by "pups" (which is by the way a german word for wee fart) - good fun: spupsectroscopupsy or fingerpupsrinting or nanopupsarticles and other nice-sounding words :) Yeah, the joys of being a nerd scientist...

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