Reikes small life...

By Reike

Abres los ochos!

The little chipmunks are all furry now, they start to move so much that it is not easy anymore to take them out of the nest. The are starting to open the eyes - only little slits - they really look like asian chipmunks ;) [sorry...]

More energy today during the day.
The "big boss" of DPM, Peter Ghazal, was giving a talk for the Science Festival at the National Museum: "Viruses: Friends or Foes?". Went there with Michael and afterwards we had a cider at the Pear Tree with Tills german bunch: Till, Holger, Dirk and Harald. Later on lying on the couch and reading "Out", a fiction story where a japanese women kills her husband and cuts him up in little pieces. When I was a kid something like this really happened in my hometown in Germany (Moenchengladbach), a woman put her husbands pieces in little Tupperware boxes and placed them everywhere in the whole city. Feels weird to know that some stories are so close to real life!

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