Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Crazy day today. Had to go to the funeral of a former pupil in Arbroath today but my car was in the garage at Meadowbank. I couldn't pick up the car before 9.00 and I had to be in Arbroath by 11.30! I made it by the skin of my teeth, 3 minutes to spare phew!
These are always particularly sad occasions as they are usually funerals of children who have died before their parents and this was no exception. This young man was a miracle, he was not expected to survive childhood and lived to be 25. Our school and the linked adult accommodation service were praised to the hilt.
Back down to Edinburgh via Kinross where I stopped at the CHAS shop, I always link CHAS in my mind with our pupils, so many were involved in the fundraising, the establishing and using of it.
This evening we had our annual bridge club dinner at the Royal Burgess Golf Club where the food was as always delicious. One of our bridge club members is a member there and so we are able to book it.
Another busy day tomorrow so when I got home I organised for that and then remembered I hadn't taken a Blip so, these are two prayer mats given to me by a lady who was on the course last weekend. They are quite small, only about 5 inches across. If you look carefully you can see there is a cross knitted into the pattern. She knits them and gives them to people who are in need of a reminder of her prayers. Many people pop them in their pocket if they are going for chemo or in hospital.
Hardly any steps today, 6578 and tomorrow may be tricky too. So at least I'm at 4/5 so another two days to try to get my additional day.

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