Santas grotto

Today melody woke at 7 - fed then slept til 8.30 - I can't seem to go back to sleep after 7 these days - grrr
But - not to be a gloater, but Melody has slept right through the night from 7-8 to 7-8 for the last 5 nights! Not woken once for milk or cry or whatever! I'm so shocked - and didn't say as I didn't want to jinx it.. Is it coz she's got a cold? Possibly.. Ill see.. I haven't deliberately done any night weaning - just a few weeks back I was not in bed when she stirred/grizzled - so I didn't feed her immediately - she went back to sleep in 10 seconds! So I tried it each time - sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't - if she cried I fed her - but i tried telling her to go to sleep first - and now she's just going right thro - I'm hoping its just she's hit that milestone!
I've just bid on a second hand toddler bed - so I can sleep with her in it a few nights - and then ill leave her in it after a while once asleep! Other attached parents have said to me that it would happen naturally (and the end of co-sleeping) but I wasn't 100% sure - i thought ive got a proper milk monster who will be the exception to the rule! but now I know it to be the case! Phew! All the ppl who said shed be in my bed at 7 yrs old can KMA! Ha!
We also went to the Santas grotto today - which she enjoyed (but not as much as walking round the garden centre!)
Home for nap and Sara round to do my wrapping with me - we were doing from 2-8! With a roast dinner in the middle!
I'm currently in the bath, first lone one for 17 months - niice! About to get out and eat some doritos spicy nacho flavour that we can't get over here! Sara bought LOADS of goodies back from the states :) Everything off my list! love her :)

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