Xmas shopping

Ouchy! First hangover for ages - and yet first time I haven't mixed my drinks! Had good meal with lots of the team but then some went home after.
Stayed out with Julie H, Becky R and Marie and then Becky and Marie went for a kebab (about 3) and Julie and went to 2 Trees! Omg forgot what a dive it was! Played pool - taxi home - drank loads of water for harm minimisation - mike texted me at 2 asking 'how long I was gonna be' eek - but all good, Melody didn't wake! Yay (ill update about that tomorrow!)
But she woke at 8 and I was knackered. But we had jobs to do :( went to the range to buy frames and blinds for the front room and then to collect parcel from post office - massive queue round the block grrr - melody waited with me in the car.. Becoming v impatient - I ended up giving her a sucky lemon sweet - sugar free but still not good probs. Then to chaplins for food and see Santa (but q was hr long so we thought we'd go another time) then into town to finish Xmas shopping - yuk! Chokka! Would have been hideous at the best of time.. But with a hangover - it was worse.. Got everything - but v jealous of melody laid asleep in the pram
Home, coffee, baths, bed - fell asleep watching Kill Bill on my phone (on bbc 3 last night - one of my fav films) but wifi has switched off - leaving only 3G - and used up all my data allowance - gutted :(

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