Keep up Mummy

We took Bella to the Ashdown Forest today. Mr W joined us today but didn't look too happy as his knee was paining him. 

We met our neighbour there with GiGi. She said since our walk the other day, she has felt confident to let her off the lead. Her other half discussed our party fence. He said he would like us to replace them as they are rocking with the weight of the ivy and said he would contribute towards them. Great news. 

In the afternoon we met at Mr Ws daughters for dinner to celebrate his other daughters birthday on Friday. We bought her an Amazon Alexa. She was thrilled and couldn't wait to get it set up. 

This was Bellas first time to their house. She was a little overwhelmed by the grandchildren but settled well and ended up playing with them. She was also very tolerant of Ellie who was constantly fiddling with her, kissing her and not letting her sleep!!!

Home now and we have already received 2 calls over Alexa from Alex and Bella has crashed!!!

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