My Best Efforts - Year 3


Bliptrip to Belvoir Castle.........

..................which is prounounced "Beaver"! Took a ride out towards Grantham and suddenly thought of the Castle which is not too far away. Hoped to catch it in the sunshine but it being sods law, it clouded over but never mind.
The first Castle of 4 on this site was built in 1070 - demolished in 1464 during the War of the Roses and the owner, Lord Ros, was executed! For the next 60yrs only the ruin remained.
Work started on the 2nd in the reign of Henry 8th by the Manners family.
The 3rd one began to be rebuilt once the Civil War was over.
In more recent years, the 5th Earl of Rutland who was only 21 met and married Elizabeth Howard ( of Castle Howard in Yorkshire). She said she preferred the more tradional Castle with turrets and towers so during the next 30yrs or so the castle was rebuilt yet again in the Gothic Revival Castle that
stands there now.
The present Duke of Rutland lives here with his young family
and is the direct descendant Robert de Todini who built the very first one and the property has been inherited by the same family for almost a 1000 years !!
The Castle is the perfect for Weddings. There is a Fruit Farm
which produces delicious Cordial ( I buy a lot of the Elderflower one). There are a lot of all kinds of activities going on most of the time.

Weather has been very pleasant all day - that is until I reached the Castle when it clouded over somewhat but at least stayed dry'

I hope everyone has had a good weekend - but I keep thinking of all the people in Connecticut who underwent that most horrible shooting - what those poor parents and relatives must be going through is unimaginable. My heart goes out to them.

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