Angry birders

As there were reports of a couple of Caspian Gulls (yes, I know, I hadn't heard of them either until quite recently) in a regular gull roost quite close to where I live, I thought I'd have a quick drive down to have a look. I knew I'd have trouble picking them out but as I surmised correctly, it being Sunday, there would be twitchers sorry, birders around to help. Several carloads as it happened, presumably trying to add that extra bird to their year list before they have to start all over again. More birders than gulls. As an old friend used to say, nearly one, call it none. The birders departed disappointed (not angry really) for their next venue. I hung around for half an hour and as a part of long-tailed tits provided the caberet by doing acrobatics in the tree above my car, I managed to get some interesting photos of tits' bums (pardon my French) by leaning out of the car window. Perhaps unsuitable for a Sunday blip. Instead a crow perched on next door's TV aerial.

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