toe-tally floored

I was summoned in the early hours for parenting duties but didn’t give myself enough time to wake up properly before dashing down the stairs. I broke a nasty fall with my toes as poor old Ant flew out of bed to work out what had happened. But adrenaline kicked in and I heard myself professing to be completely fine. I think I was trying to convince my toe not to be broken. A sleepless night with a throbbing foot propped up and then a morning in a and e ensued. If you’re going to break a bone, it might as well be a little tiny one. I’m really glad it wasn’t anything more serious.


1. NHS care;
2. Family stepping in to look after Isaac and fetch me from the hospital;
3. Eve enjoying a bit of drama. “So tell me about the moment you knew the bone was broken? And I’ll tell you about when I heard about your toe.” Really amused me!

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