18th March Canakkale Day

Today is Canakkale Day in Turkey when we remember the First World War when tremendous numbers of boys of many nationalities lost their lives in the Gallipoli campaign in bloody fighting between February 1915 and April 1916. Turkey won the battle, but it seems to me that everybody lost in the war.

After a day that included a special ceremony for Canakkale Day, I was sitting in the office thinking about going home when I had a surprise and very welcome visit from an '07 graduate of whom I was always most fond. We chatted for about an hour, catching up and reminiscing... funny and nostalgic all at the same time.

Unbelievably warm today so after getting home and having a cuppa, I then walked around the plateau for an hour where even at 18.30 I was dressed more for summer than for early spring. 

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