
Biggest is busy making presents for her friends.
I sent the abroad parcels off today and schlepped the kids round the christmas market in Konstanz to spend their euros on presents for people. Littlest proved her canniness again - she managed to buy well-thought-through presents for everyone (unfortunately, I spotted which one was mine, but I will feign surprise on the day) and left herself with enough money to buy a shedload of sweets and a "long-legged fairy" too. The others were their normal selves (one spent too much, one didn't buy anything) and all is right with the world.
Tonight Mr Spitzi and I went to watch the Hobbit. I liked it - but having read the book does ruin the suspense somewhat - will they make it? Oh, maybe, because there are two more films and it would be crap if the whole cast gets wiped out in the first and, if you think about it, the whole story gets told in the LOTR films too so, yeah, I guess they will make it. In fact, the whole thing is probably a waste of time and money but it made me smile......
I've rediscovered my love of films - somehow I'd forgotten about that - high up on my wishlist of things I'd like to do but probably never will (what, you don't have one of those lists?!) is "making a movie", that would be so much fun.

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