tis the season...

we had a family christmas meal tonight - exchange of presents but without opening them, cos it's not christmas yet, is it? We went to a restaurant that I'VE been going to with the family for 17 years (the menu hasn't changed...ever, I don't think...though they do have not one, but TWO vegetarian options now, so, there have been additions). Goodness only know how long Mr. Spitzi has been going there - I strongly suspect for the 38 years that he's lived in the area! Anyway, when there, the choice is meat with potatoes in some form or pasta. Also salad (very good) and vegetables of the day (also good) - so, I had salad followed by meat and veg, Mr. Spitzi and Bling1 also had salad and then meat and then either potatoes or pasta, Bling2 had SOUP (very daring!!) followed by meat and pasta and Littlest went for the culinary delights of the children's menu and choose fish fingers and chips. Classy!!
Everyone else ordered "fizzy pop" which I never normally drink but my sore throat (that arrived to surprise me this morning, together with a snotty nose) was tempted by it. Especially as I then remembered the lorry that used to deliver the pop was I was little (to other people, we never had it, we was way too poor) that had "every bubble's passed it's fizzical" written on it, that I used to find both stupid and funny at the same time.
When we paid the bill, we all got given one of these biscuits. So, now we're feeling very seasonal. And full.
Oh, and it was snowing there. That was fun.

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