Yours or mine!

Mr W was off bright and early to a Police Squash match in Brighton. So I had a day to myself.... well - human wise anyway!!

After a bit of working from home, I took Bella to the pet shop to buy a new lobber. She loves a little trot round the shop!!

I stupidly thought my chosen location today was mud free and all paths along the play field so thought I'd risk going in shoes. How wrong was I. Then it started to hail when I thought it was going to be beautiful sunshine. Then Bella covered my clean jeans in mud from her constant jumping. And I started to get the hump. But I was soon able to pull myself together, Bella stopped jumping with the right discipline, she posed beautifully with my muddy shoes and matching lobber and sun came back out so all was good.

Home now and she has slept for the afternoon while I was able to get my reports and time sheets done which was my cunning plan in the first place!

And Mr W has just called saying he's on his way home and what's for dinner?? Just when I thought I could sit and relax.

Happy Sunday. xXx

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