Double Shot Mummy


We didn't even know about her this time last year!

Maple was on the way ;-) I was about 4 weeks pregnant this time last year, but we had no idea! Now look at her; in front of our (Needs to be decorated more) Christmas tree :-) Who would have thought? This time last year seems a million miles away......

Maple is becoming very chubby :-) I just love it! Her thighs really are something to be proud of! Apparently I was exactly the same! It is a new thing to me..... I am not used to being the proud owner of a chubby baby! All I can say is that although I love them all the same, there is less worry to be had with the chubby ones than the skinny ones! My beautiful early twins would have been all of half her size at this age..... I am surprised Maple still fits in her 3-6 month clothes!

We had a fantastic day today :-) The morning began (After all the routine stuff), with a trip to the mall for new shoes for Bailee and Oscar. They got 8 months solid out of their last pairs... this is why I think shoes are an important investment! This is the first time they have taken a vested interest in choosing their own shoes. Oscar I am not sure if you will be reading this in 18 years time, but you did want the silver flower ones or the red ones or the pink ones. For your own benefit, we managed to persuade you that the navy blue would match more of your outfits! Bailee chose some pink and white floral ones . Oscar is now a size 8 and Bailee a 7.

After that our house keeper took the twins to play at Peekaboo so I could rush about to do the boring shopping tasks with Maple in the sling. Got it all done within the hour, including Stu's Christmas present. The twins had fun decorating Christmas biscuits, singing and doing art.

I am much more confident with driving on the right hand side of the road now. Doesn't mean I am not taking the VERY long way to and from places! We managed to get home again in one piece.

In the afternoon we all went to visit some friends at their Villa. Bailee loved jumping on Harry's trampoline and Oscar ran around finding all the different toys to play with. Stu and I walked, Bailee rode a plastic motorcycle and Oscar a fire engine to their local playground where the twins had fun playing in the sand and with the other kids.

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