Wild Rides in Cape Town

'W' is for Wild!! ;-)

R jr is having a ball with his lovie A, her mom&dad and her brother in Cape Town!! Whoohoo! I received this picture just now, and I think it is telling the whole story!! I think Anrie's mom is the best company ever to have when on holiday!! She is such a sport, I am sure I would not have made it onto all thos terrifying rides today!! Hiehiehie!! In this picture: Anrie, Ronnie, Ansa (mom) and Hendrik (brother).

There is nothing on earth that can give me more pleasure than seeing my grandchild so happy! Thank you Dear Lord for the privilege to share his life for almost 20 years already!! Thank you for having his loving parents allowing me to be such an integral part of their lives and most of all, for being there for me! LuvU!!

Hope all of you in Blipland are having a lovely weekend! I am, appreciating every GOOD day so much more lately!! Mwha!!

Forgot to draw your attention to my 'One Year Ago'!! Please check them for the next 3 weeks!! Woohoo!!!!

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