The Tbay Great Uncles.

Today we went in search of Mr Tbays three Great Uncles all of whom perished on the Somme , plus another of Mr W’s relatives. All four of these men were all buried within a very short distance of one another including two in the same cemetery.

The weather today has been very kind to us and despite it being a bit windy the sun shine most of the day. Out first stop was to the Cerisy-Gailly Military Cemetery where we found Sydney Richard Campling . He died on the 26 April 1916. We then travelled a few more miles to the Serre Road No.2 Cemetery where we were to find Sydney’s brother Frederick Leonard Campling who dies only a few month after his brother on 27 September 1916. The sadness of his parents must have been unimaginable. But the third brother did return home and as bitter sweet as it would be, it must have been a joy to the family. The tale gets stranger as in the same Serre Road Cemetery No.2 was another great Uncle but from Mr Tbays Mother’s side . Phillip Henry Rowe aged 23 was to perish on 17 September 1916 . Little did Philip or Frederick know that never having met their respective families in life that Philips Brother and Fredericks Sister would meet and marry and that their great nephew would one day visit them both in the same cemetery. A very special moment. Each Cemetery has a Remembrance book to sign ,which we did , and also to look up all the names of the men in that specific Cemetery.

We then drove only a few more miles to find Mr W’s relative who was an extraordinary man. Only 33 he was already a Lieutenant Colonel and was awarded not only the DSO but also a V.C. . His citation is extraordinary.

Feeling truly humbled by these selfless brave young men we headed back to our little hotel in Arras. Although we were somber in one way we were also delighted have been able to stand there in person and say thank you.........

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