Nature's crystal ball .....
Thank you Gareth for making my day very soggy .. Even the ponies were queuing at the gate to get in out of the wind & rain this morning when I arrived at the DPHT. A lovely wood shaving bed to roll in & a net of scrummy hay. Forget the water. Minnie & Braveheart had to share a stall as we have Treacle, a poorly rescue pony in Minnie's stall, not that Minnie minds, she's a bit of a flirt. Fingers crossed Treacle recovers from her maltreatment. I will never understand how people can mistreat animals, there is always help if you are prepared to look for it.
Home to lunch, then dodging the showers J & I fixed two bird boxes on the garage wall. Strategically placed so that we can see any activity from the lounge, so I hope we get some interest. I had a few ideas for today's blip, this one came out tops.
This afternoon I popped over to see Cassiesmum, had a coffee & catch up, discussed the Blip challenges. I came away with some bare root rosa rugosa, plus a redundant pebble fountain, & some butyl pond liner. I have a small leak in my newly created pond :( .
Thanks to dbifulco for hosting tinytuesday
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