All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Birthday Presents

Today is my amazing son Ethan's 3rd birthday! I'm sure I have and will be saying this every year but oh how quickly time is flying by!

Unfortunately hubbie and I had to work today and when we got home, Granny and Grandpa told us Ethan hadn't been himself today. Apparently he told them mid morning that he was tired and wanted to go back to bed. And off he went and had a sleep in his own bed - unheard of in the daytime! For the rest of the day he was quite clingy and just wanted cuddles. They did manage to go to softplay with Uncle Foreveryoung and Eden in the afternoon though.

Ethan wasn't even too bothered about his birthday cake nor opening his presents this evening either. In fact, Eden opened most of the presents for him while he looked on! He did seem pleased with them all and played with everything for a while.

He's now fast asleep in bed, dosed up on calpol poor wee thing.

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