All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Happy Birthday Ethan!

Oh my goodness the past 2 years have flown by. I still get very emotional thinking about this time 2 years ago when Ethan arrived in our lives. When I look back at his newborn photos, it's hard to equate that helpless wee premature baby with the healthy toddler he has grown into today.

He went to nursery as usual today as they were very thoughtfully having their Christmas party on his birthday! He met Santa (for the 4th time this year), got a present, ate LOADS of sausage rolls and had Happy Birthday sung to him. What a day!

Back home with Hubbie, Grandpa and I, we let him open more birthday presents after dinner. He soon got the hang of pulling off the paper and was enthralled with all the cars and trains he got. We've saved some more presents for tomorrow evening when Granny will be here too.

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