Swollen .....
..... ankles!
This was taken at 8.30am , so rest didn't do much to reduce the swelling. Changed meds hadn't made much difference, so guess I'll just have to hope things hang together?
"A" and I went to see Aftermath this pm , it made for a good " after the war " story. But I do think that relationships must have taken their told on folk.
I feel it's a good film for the beginning of Lent, as the moral you could gleen from it is forgiveness, kindness and understanding.
Appreciate .... company tonight
P.S. I'll do my best to continue blipping , but again technology has got the better of me. Tho' I've reduced my photo library by many 100s it still won't allow me to take more, grr, as the I- pad is my only means of blipping I've got to rely on a wing and a prayer
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