Monday: Vancouver Public Library
This evening I was at an International Women's Day event at the Vancouver Public Library, hosted by the Mayor and the City Council. It was a rather unconventional format - I was ok with that but some of my more reserved colleagues looked a bit uncomfortable.
Two City Councillors asked me I I wanted to go for a drink afterwards so I did. I was pretty pleased to have been asked as I do need to get to know the new council members.
Talking of reserved colleagues, I've just finished 'British Consul' by Ernest Hambloch. It was written in 1938 and is the memoir of a.........erm............British Consul. 10/10 for imagination, Ernest.
Apparently, a Consul must be completely unflappable and never turn down an invitation. I'll leave others to comment on the first but I can tell you that my success rate on the second is questionable............
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