
By SonofLionel

Peas from the Same Pod

How can you honestly tell who is who? We are so similar its uncanny. OK, maybe not. I rarely put myself in pics; that job is usually Mrs SoL’s priviledge (or as she is better known - Frenchtoast). I made an exception, because we all live in different countries and were together at my sister and brother-in-law’s place for June’s funeral. My little brother (taller than me, much slimmer and still with hair) lives in the Netherlands. My sister, (again younger and the Peter Pan of the three of us, as she seems never to age) lives in the UK. I, of course, live in France and make the most of the wine and cuisine. Can’t you tell? Nice to be together, even though the reason was sad. Dad had two different careers in his life. Mum always joked that our differences came from the fact that she had two with the butcher and one with the postman. Well it made us laugh anyway.

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