Baby leave A Light On For Me

Study of Bean. 

Bean has been to the VET this week. 

I thought Bean had TapeWorm. 

The VET Checked her out thoroughly and there was nothing.  No Tapeworm, no regular worm, no fleas.  A clean, healthy cat. 

The VET actually said that he had not been looking forward to the appointment - and i said "imagine how I've been feeling til we got here". 

I was very relieved.  

Beanie did not appreciate the pro-active treatment she got to protect her from any possible future infestations.   And Beau couldn't work out what all the fuss was about. 

In other news:  Himself made the first cut of the grass today.   Can you believe it.   And now, because of "Baptiste" I feel awful about it -  Apparently that lovely smell of freshly cut grass is the smell the grass puts out when it is in danger and in anguish.  The smell is the small of grass trauma.

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