The Bear Necessities, Margate

A day of escape to the seaside and the beguiling and strange town of Margate. It was great to leave London behind where the air can be heavy and bruised like a thick, dull punch. At it's worst and most polluted it has an almost metallic tang. At rush hour you feel as if some motorists (the polite term!) would rather mow you down so that they can get on with their journey.
The air could not be more different in Margate, especially on the wonderfully sweeping sandy beach. It can give you an intoxicating, drug-like hug even when it's trying to blow you off your feet.
Today's first extra is called Horse Power - I loved the rather surreal sight of the van containing a fairground horse. Like a Chagall dream brought to life.
The second extra, Siesta By Sea, was taken on the breakwater that cuts out into the bay. By the time we had walked out along the breakwater and back it was time to go and take in some culture at the Turner Contemporary gallery (see third extra shot). There was a superb exhibition on, featuring work by the artist Katie Pearson displayed alongside works by Turner himself. Both artists, many years apart, are/were concerned with the sublime wonder of nature and capturing the atmospheric qualities of the universe, light, air and weather. In the galleries I took my last extra (Dad Dancing At The Lonely Disco) - which is actually my brother "interacting" with one of the exhibits!
Today's main shot was taken at the reclamation yard on the edge of the Old Town. After all the activity, and walking, it was time for a doorstep sausage sandwich and a strong cappuccino in a lovely cafe just off the seafront. On the journey home I kept thinking about the exhibition and saw Turner skies everywhere I looked. A totally fabulous day.

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