in the garden of the Eisenbahnerheim, the former holiday resort, now terribly derelict, for the railroad personnal.
Although the weather had changed, and there was a little drizzle sometimes, I did some garden work, mainly cutting brambles.
In the afternoon we drove into town and walked uphill to the Eisenbahnerheim where the two horses greeted us.
We admired a garden full of snowdrops, but somehow I could not get a decent photo which would show the loveliness of it.
We came home and had face video time with my sister Loes, so nice to catch up and showed glimpses of our lives.

Tomorrow again a Silly Saturday Challenge, on Saturday 2 March.
The tag is #SilS126, or #SillySaturday126, and #SillySaturday will do too.
I am looking forward to be surprised by the silly, comical, absurd entries.

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