Trial and Error

By DawnC


When I turned 40 my friend Sarah gave me a book of 'Things to do now you are 40', one of which was to have a professional photo shoot (before you get any older, I think was the implication). Well today, two weeks short of a further five years since then, I finally got round to it. Being me, I had mistakenly thought they would be providing clothes to wear for it so I just turned up in what I had on :/ On mentioning this to the make-up artist during my hour-long 'transformation' I was told that all they had were some feather boas and a cat suit left over from Halloween...

Anyway, I spent an hour in the studio with a very nice young gentleman photographer. He tried lots of different poses, backgrounds and lighting and I tried really hard to smile but it was a struggle for a camera-phobe like me! I'll find out on Saturday if even one of the pictures is OK.

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