Celebration for a Virgin
The Virgin of Guadeloupe is the patron saint of Mexico, and today is her day of celebration. I can't explain the significance of the activities, nor do I know if they are the same throughout the country. But this photo shows a small part of what we saw here. If you look closely, you can see a person in the center of the flames. A paper "bull" is constructed on sticks, with fireworks placed in various locations. A man holds this contraption, and he dances while the fireworks whistle, spin, and shower the crowd with sparks. A brass band is playing in the background.
After this dance was the lighting of a spectacular "Castillo", a 30 foot high tower of spinning and whistling stars, poinsettia, and angel fireworks.
The whole scene was really indescribable and magnificent, one that I am honored to have experienced.
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