Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Rotary meeting

Decided to take the family for a trip to Eyemouth for a walk along the cliffs and along the shore.

We walked along the cliff and spotted helicopter flew over us on its way north. We watched it hover for ages but did not see the winch man get out.

We played on a beach started a fire and built a camp. Eco son created some sculptures with bits washed on the shore and Eco daughter made music instruments out of broken bouys.

Then the helicopter flew over us on the beach, we waved and then landed just above us, we all thought we are ok, we were just waving to you we did not need rescued. Alas it must have been an excercise.

It was a grey day and it started to rain so off we went along the shore to find a different way up the cliffs/steep grassy slopes. Eco mum chose the route back which involved climbing fences into a housing estate.

Went for some cakes and refreshments at the harbour, we are all stinking of smoke so baths tonight. Eco son is off on a winter survival course tomorrow so he is busy packing his rucksack.

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