The Capitol, Cops, and Christmas

I set my alarm to go off this morning at 12:05 a.m. I wanted to be awake when the clock rang 12:12:12 on 12-12. I heard it was good luck. Won't happen again for 88 years, and I don't think I'll be around.

My wife Lisa had a seminar today in Ovid, Michigan. I made a decision to drive her there, and then continue on to our state capitol in Lansing, Michigan.

Our local news the last couple of nights had images of thousands of angry protesters lining the steps of the capitol. We had a senate vote yesterday on whether to make Michigan a right-to-work state. I don't know all that implies...but, I know the workers and the democrats don't like it.

I didn't know what to expect...but most of the protesters were gone. Maybe 20-25 still here, with tape around their mouths. I wanted to ask a few questions...but...they had tape around their mouths. But...the cops and the news vans were still out in abundance....perhaps expecting something. After last nights shots of people being pepper-sprayed...I was hoping it was over.

I got some nice outdoor shots, and then some indoor shots. The classic looking up into the dome, etc., etc.

I put WAY too many shots on my Flickr page. Cows before the capitol, old churches, sparrows in front of old churches, and me climbing the world's biggest Radio Flyer wagon. You have to see it to believe it.

Any of you old farm-girls or farm-boys that can identify the type of cow that is...will gain my utmost respect.

Just after 12:12:12, I jumped in the air, and clicked my heels together. Ya never know.

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