Billy Wright

Thank you all for your supportive comments on my Blip yesterday.  Today's visit was much better, but Dad is beginning to opt out of going every day - he is finding it much too tiring and emotional.  Poor man.  We await communication from Social Services.

We are still very tired after our adventures last week - not helped by my discovery of the fact that I had managed to permanently erased more than half of my images...  Don't ask.

To make up for that, i decided to get back on the sculpture trail this morning so off we went to Wolverhampton.  I think we have found as many as we can of the listed public sculptures there now.  I am finding that I particularly like ones of contemporary figures and the energy that exudes from some of them.  In they figure of the Wolves footballer, Billy Wright, I can feel his strength and skill and I would have loved to see him play live.

Hoping to be able to get back to a few more comments over the coming week!

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