My New Man

Allow me to introduce you to my new man.
I first met him in November, but he was waiting for me again this morning outside the Registration office in the City Chambers. After His Lordship, he would be the only man I would ever entertain again, sculpted and very, very dead.
I know that HL would approve of his army connections and war record in WWII.
He was General Stanislaw Maczek who died in 1994 but lived in Marchmont, Edinburgh after the war.

Yet again I was at the City Chambers where my Granddaughter was registering the death of her father. Poor girl, it’s too much for a teenager to have to do and there was worse to come this afternoon when we had to go and discuss funeral arrangement with the undertakers.The whole scenario was too fresh in my memory for it to be anything other than difficult, but we got through it and the most important things concerning dates and times were settled.

We rewarded ourselves for a heavy day with glasses of wine and pizzas at the local restaurant starting with the letter ‘S’ that we are so familiar with.

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